11 months ago
I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.- Mother Teresa
1 yr. ago
He or she who promotes fuckery will one day become a victim of that same fuckery.
2 yr. ago
A lot of people in other countries think that life in America is a life of prosperity. Here is the reality. It have a lot of big companies whose job is to fuck you out of your money and keep you down and the sad part is it is wast if you are black.
2 yr. ago
Some people are running a race all by themselves and don't even know it. The question is if it's a one man race is it still a race?
2 yr. ago
If someone really cares about you they will make the time to stop by and say hi. Even if it is only 1 minute.
2 yr. ago
Everyone wants you to contribute to their success and no-one wants to contribute to your success, but little do they know that their success is dependent upon your success.
2 yr. ago
It is amazing to see the people that ask you for money never around to show you support ?
3 yr. ago
BlueOnNix is now offering free website hosting to everyone https://blueonnix.com/help... You will also be able to build a FREE wordpress website on your free account. If you have any questions you can send me a message on here.
4 yr. ago
Men: The devil is not playing games, and neither is God! The jails and graveyards are full of innocent men who were at the wrong place at the wrong time. GO HOME! Spend more time with your woman and kids. Take your woman to Places on her birthday. Take your kids to tourist sites. Give your woman all the love, sex, and attention she deserves. GO HOME!! Stop hanging out in the streets at night with your buddies. You don't owe your buddies or the streets anything. Everybody you owe something to is waiting for you at HOME. I pray that you make it home safely to the ones who truly love you. ?? ????

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4 yr. ago
I'm 28 yrs old, my parents died when I was 14yrs old. I dropped out of school because no one could afford to pay my fees. I met a guy when I was 17yrs old and he sent me back to school. He sold fruits on the streets so that he could pay my school fees. He later got a job as a truck driver and sent me to university. I'm now working as a lawyer. My problem is that I feel I can't continue with this relationship because this guy is not the type of a man I would like to marry! !!!! How best can I tell him that he is not my type without hurting his feelings? I'm grateful he sent me to school but I c

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4 yr. ago
*Parliament? Clueless*
_*Everything is becoming LESS but still our hope in God is - Endless.*_
In fact I am *Speechless* Because friendship remains *Priceless!!*
*If u don
*Parliament? Clueless*
_*Everything is becoming LESS but still our hope in God is - Endless.*_
In fact I am *Speechless* Because friendship remains *Priceless!!*
*If u don